How to Assemble a Silai Machine Stand: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Assemble a Silai Machine Stand: Step-by-Step Guide

Assembling a Silai machine stand may vary slightly depending on the specific model, but the following are general steps to follow:

  1. Unpack all parts and check if everything is complete.
  2. Take the base of the stand and attach the four legs to it. Use the screws and nuts provided to secure them in place.
  3. Once the legs are attached to the base, take the vertical stand and attach it to the base. Use screws to secure it tightly.
  4. Take the horizontal bar and attach it to the vertical stand. Again, use screws to secure it tightly.
  5. Attach the Silai machine to the horizontal bar. The method of attachment may vary depending on the model, so refer to the instruction manual for specific instructions.
  6. Adjust the height of the machine by adjusting the vertical stand or the horizontal bar.
  7. Double-check all screws and nuts to ensure that everything is tightly secured.

It is important to follow the specific instructions that come with your Silai machine stand to ensure that everything is assembled correctly and safely.


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